The functions of the skin are multiple and complex: protection, perception, regulation, synthesis, repair, support, mirror, etc.
The skin is the support and the nourishing organ of the skin appendages (hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, body hair, nails).
Chocolates with anti-aging properties, antioxidant drinks, “tanning” waters. To the “gourmetization of cosmetics” responds the “cosmetization of food”. Nutraceutical and cosmetic laboratories compete in ingenuity to find the most impactful "anti-aging" formula, to "tighten elastin", "vitalise collagen", "detoxify", "nourish", "detoxify" and other slogans touts. Remember that the quantity and quality of hair and nails greatly depend on the micronutrient intake that our contemporary over-industrialized diet can no longer provide us with.
If there were a formula combining antioxidants, anti-free radicals, healing, toning, detoxifying, regenerating… Vitamins of group B, particularly B2, B5, B8, B12, vitamin D, Ca, Mg, Zn, Aminoacids… it would certainly be favored by the general public, health professionals and users alike. And if in addition, we could find all of these active ingredients in a natural product, and not a synthetic one, for nutritional use as well as for local cosmetic use...it would be: "too much"!... The product exists.
All the active ingredients useful to the dander and necessary to nourish the skin, "from the inside" as well as "from the outside" are contained in the very surprising little spiral algae... spirulina. Spirulina, world star in all categories of Cosmetofood!...