"Tell me what you eat, I'll tell you who you are."
With more than a billion obese adults in the world, we are talking about a pandemic. Obesity and its associated chronic diseases have become a major global issue due to the heavy social and financial consequences they represent. Today, they kill more than infections. 60% of deaths on the planet are due to non-communicable diseases: heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, respiratory diseases... However, these diseases that are essentially treated with very expensive chemical treatments and presenting multiple side effects, are precisely those that the O.M.S. recommends to approach from now on by prevention because they all include causal nutritional factors.
Among the culprits of this pandemic, industrial food holds a primordial place. The vast majority of prepared foods “were not designed to be suitable for human needs. Anglo-Saxon research shows that there has been a drastic reduction in the vitamin and mineral content of fresh fruits and vegetables over the past sixty years. Changes that coincide with changes in agricultural practices. Spirulina has a real effect on the feeling of hunger and on obesity. German researchers have tested the “appetite suppressant” effect of spirulina on obese patients who were already on a weight loss diet. After a month, weight loss is remarkable, with the added bonus of cholesterol levels lowered in the same proportions. Observations confirmed by Japanese teams: lower cholesterol levels, improvement in ophthalmological conditions, etc.
Bulimia refers to an almost morbid craving for food. It would seem, according to the majority of observations, that bulimia is characterized by an alteration in the metabolism of serotonin. In the field of micronutrient deficiencies, zinc is incriminated and this is why supplementation of this trace element gives good results in the case of bulimia and in cases of magnesium and inositol deficiency. These micronutrients are all present in spirulina which, moreover, has a high satietogenic effect.
Early symptoms of anorexia in adolescence and adulthood appear to be multifactorial. Among them: nutritional imbalances. Children suffering from kwashiorkor, malaria or beriberi lose their appetite and refuse to eat. These pathologies, apparently caused exclusively by deficiencies in nutritional intake, are also subject to psycho-metabolic processes linked to anorexia. These phenomena are linked to a chronic deficiency of certain micronutrients, in particular vitamins. A large number of studies indicate that a deficiency in vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B12 (cobalamin acid), calcium and copper, zinc, magnesium and fatty acids (vitamins E and A) can cause nutritional insufficiency which results in disorders such as anorexia, anemia and thinness. The consumption of anorectic drugs and the inopportune use of certain aberrant diets contribute to creating extremely serious metabolic disorders. The wide use of spirulina in Africa to treat states of malnutrition is an excellent field of observation. Several investigations, including those of Dr. Picard, confirm a return of appetite in malnourished children suffering from kwashiorkor. The very composition of the spiral microalgae and the excellent bioavailability of its active ingredients, allows the return to biological and physiological balance. In particular, we can highlight a zinc deficiency similar to that of kwashookor in anorexia.